Through her work for Evolve Move Play and Earthkin Wilderness School, Miranda finds her greatest fulfillment in bridging the widening gap between our roots in nature and the modern world. 

Primarily homeschooled, her education was unconventional, diverse and deeply rooted in the natural world. Miranda’s path has been profoundly informed by her work with horses that started at age 10 and spanned two decades during which she studied the philosophy and methodologies of relational horsemanship and equine-facilitated learning. Equines were the first to teach her what it is to be present, attuned and embodied and how essential those modes of being are in developing deeper, more meaningful relationships—whether with horses, ourselves, or the broader world. 

Alongside her equine education, Miranda delved into the principles of Permaculture under a gifted mentor on Salt Spring Island. During this time she came to understand the interconnectedness of all the elements within an ecosystem, which sparked a lifelong curiosity in her about the complexity of human ecology.

She found herself confronted with the pervasive sense of modernity being marked by disconnection, consumption, and exploitation—revealing an acute separation from self and our relationship to the more than human world and so set out to better understand how the human community might realign with their inner selves, forge deeper connections with others, and the natural world.

Miranda’s diverse journey—from her early lessons in presence and attunement with horses, through the deep ecological insights of Permaculture, to the spiritual depths of Eastern philosophies and the physical and psychological discipline of martial arts and mountaineering—has been a profound exploration of the intricate relationship between self, others, and the natural world. Each has been a stepping stone towards a deeper understanding of our place within the Earth's tapestry. Miranda's work is not just a profession; it is the expression of a lifetime of learning, at the heart of which is a commitment to reconnect people with their roots in the natural world so that they might remember and relearn how to live in right relationship with self, other and earth.